TA from Then to Now
The Development of Transactional Analysis Concepts over Time
A free series of books – you can download them as PDFs or e-books, or you can get them via Amazon as paperbacks and for Kindle, where you will pay only Amazon’s production and distribution costs (Amazon insist on adding 35% royalties on kindles but the prices of each are only UKP 1.25 so the pennies of royalties will go to running costs for https://taproficiencyawards.org )
Most of the series is now available – TA from Then to Now is a series of books based on the TA training workbooks that Julie Hay has been developing over several years. These were previously issued only as supplementary educational handouts to students in her TA training workshops and webinars, and intended as reviews and critiques of existing TA (and where appropriate, non-TA) literature.
Julie uses her extensive knowledge and experience to interpret the numerous ideas, frameworks, structures and developments of TA theory, from its Bernian roots to the present day, interspersing this with her own original ideas, reviews and critiques.
This series of books is Julie’s way of contributing to the spread of TA knowledge, especially for those who lack access to TA books and journals. At the same time, she hopes that reading what she has written will prompt readers to go back to some of the original publications rather than relying only on her interpretation of what another author has written.
Julie is a keen supporter of making information freely available. In addition to issuing this series of books, she is the inaugural and current Editor of the International Journal of Transactional Analysis Research & Practice (www.ijtarp.org) which is published as an open access journal (free access to all and no fees to authors, who retain the copyright). Julie also led the launch in 2021 of WOTAA – the World Online TA Association (www.wotaa.org).
Here are the links to obtain copies of each option – and for the Blogs books below that are also FREE:
PDF (FREE) or e-book (FREE): https://sherwoodpublishing.com
Or go to your usual Amazon website and search for Julie Hay for Paperback and/or Kindle (Amazon will charge their p&p costs)
Amazon Links to TA from Then to Now:
Julie Hay’s Ideas Blogs & Associated Articles